Architecture (AR) Suit
DBD Cornucopia > Deck > Architecture
The Architecture (AR) suit is a clustering of threats around the technological structure of the service, its data, its systems and access to these, including all its supporting parts.
All six suits are broad groupings of threats which, while useful for game play, should not be allowed to restrict thinking about either where and how the threats defined on each card could or do arise, nor the types and locations of harms occuring. If suits overly dominate thinking, it can be useful to think about 'what would be revealed if this threat card was in a different suit?'.
The other suits in the deck are: Scope, Agency, Trust, Porosity and Cornucopia (plus Jokers).
Thirteen Cards in the Architecture Suit
Each suit is a broad grouping of threats, and are relevant to all sort of implementation team roles and stages of the service lifecycle. The suit names should neither constrain thinking about implementation choices which may cause the threat, nor restrict the types of harm identified.
Note About Card Values
Card values (e.g. 3, 8, King) are for game play and are not correlated with the severity of harm. This is because threats cannot be ranked directly since they can affect individuals in different ways due to situations and circumstances, or affect fewer or more claimants, or the harms can arise in claimants' support networks and wider society.